Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All My Children

I really love teaching, and I love my new job at which I am working with at risk kids to help them graduate. This profession has brought me incredible highs and unfathomable lows over the last 16 years. The following kids didn't know they were auditioning for a spot in a future blog, but here are some of my favorite conversations.

Me: If you click on the link provided, you can see the house where Shakespeare was born.
Kid: Wait a minute! They had color back then?

Me: Does anyone have any questions about what we've covered so far with Romeo and Juliet?
Kid: Where do the New England Patriots play their home games? Is New England a state?

Me: Elvis Presley was a twin.
Kid: With who?

Kid: Miss, do you know what ship will never sink?
Me: No, which one?
Kid: Our friendship!

Me: Name a state that stayed with the Union in the Civil War.
Kid: What side was Colonel Sanders on?

Me: We have an exchange student from Kazakhstan.
Kid: Does he know Borat?
Me: Borat is not a real person, but a creation of the actor Sascha Baron Cohen.
Kid: No, he's real. I saw him on tv.

Kid: If the NFL tries to draft you, can you go to Canada?

Kid: How can Susie (a sophomore at the time) be having a baby? She's not married.
Me: Ask your mother.

Kid: What if Susie goes into labor at the pep rally?
Other Kid: Then Coach R. will deliver the baby; it's his gym.
Third Kid: All he knows how to do is tape stuff up.


  1. Oh my goodness. This is hilarious. I am beginning to wonder which one of our kiddos made which comments.

  2. I'll have to tell you at school. None of our current kids are mentioned though.
