Sunday, November 22, 2009


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for several reasons, not the least of which are that it's totally ok to be a glutton and the Cowboys are on. On a deeper level, though, I appreciate the reminder to count my blessings. I think I'm pretty good about gratitude, but having a day devoted to it is wonderful. So, in no particular order (because if you want that, read the blog of someone who is concrete sequential rather than abstract random), here are some things for which I am eternally and tremendously thankful:

1. Caller ID: I love not having to answer telemarketing calls.
3. Sunscreen: I love the sun and swimming, but with skin that is more pale than the bottoms of most people's feet, high SPF is a must!
4. Amazing friends and family: Knowing such a diverse group of people is a privilege and I cannot begin to describe the positive impact they have on my life. From shoe shopping to stock making to football watching to coffee shop venting, they make every day better.
5. Great job: My job can be stressful, but the kids make me laugh every day and it is very satisfying to know that I've played even a small part in their eventual successes. Also, they provide me with endless material for blogs. I've also been blessed with fabulous co-workers who don't seem to mind my occasional irreverence.
7. Tubby: Sure he's difficult on a good day and full of gloom and doom, but he's my dad and I love him, even when he starts conversations with "Now, what's wrong with you is. . .".
8. My most precious godson: He's the first person I loved before I met. How could I not love someone who was created by two of the finest people on the planet? He's the most beautiful, brilliant 11 1/2 month old ever, and he tells me that he will be attending college in Texas.
9. A car that allows me to play my Ipod through the factory installed sound system.
10. Junior League: No where else would I have been able to meet such a diverse, dynamic group of women! This organization makes me so proud and also humbled.

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