Sometimes I wonder if there is something inherently wrong with me because I seem to witness a lot of apeshit behavior in public. Maybe I'm on the lookout for weirdness so I can have more material, and maybe there are really just a lot of unusual people in the world. For instance, the other day at church, a man very audibly trimmed his fingernails during the sermon! I find that really strange.
Another case in point is a woman at the Colorado Springs airport this summer. I had been in CO to visit my dear friend and her two gorgeous boys, aged 4 and 2. More on them later. At the end of my visit, they dropped me off at the airport and I proceeded to the security screening. I'm not a expert traveler, but I've been through enough airports to know the drill. I'm getting scanned and waiting for my carry on to make it down the conveyer belt, when I hear the beginnings of a ruckus in the line across from me.
A woman in her mid to late 40s is bawling. She has just been selected for a random pat down and she is not happy. Now, I don't particularly care for this either, but if you want to get on the plane, you have to get with the damn program. The very polite female TSA person is giving her the play by play about everything before she does it. She says, "I'm going to pat the outsides of your legs" and proceeds to do so. The woman lets out a shriek that would make a banshee proud at the touch of a hand to the outside of her knee. Her knee! I suppose, in this woman's defense, that she may have suffered some trauma in the past to make her behave this way, but my suspicion is that she is just nucking futs! I realize that sounds a bit judgmental, but really, her knee? My hunch is confirmed, however, very quickly. In between sobs, she blubbers, "My poor daughter is over there waiting. ALL BY HERSELF! I need to go to her!" I turn around, expecting to see a toddler, but no, I see a college aged woman turning red and shaking her head. I, of course, silently applaud myself for my incredible insight and head to my gate to wait for my flight.
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